Between the Storms, Cloud viewing and Habitat

reflecting pool KS2018
I have not been painting for the last two weeks. My 90 year old dad got Sepsis, and has been very ill, but now in Rehab, and getting some of the old Dad back. Yesterday I took my first full day "off" from care taking someone else, and took care of myself. Here are a few pictures taken while immersed in Nature between storms... it really turned into a skyscape field trip.. with a few birds thrown in. It was Magic. More pictures than words today.....
Drainage Ditch KS2018

....You can open any of these images to make them larger....

White Front Ibis KS2018

White Front Ibis in flight KS2018
Lone puff KS2018

Gray over White KS2018

Fade KS2018
Line of Trees KS2018

Fu Dog or Crocodile? KS2018
Bird Queen KS2016
Yes there were birds too, but I was tuning into the Habitat, often full of signs of man, roads, power lines, irrigation equipment, views of the Freeway, the Port and farm houses.
American Avocet KS2018

Red Winged Black Birds KS2018

Red Tail KS2018
 And more clouds.
Big Sky KS2018

Between Rains KS2018

Rice Paddy KS2018

Spring Green KS2018
The long view KS2018


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