Hobbies, Bonz and Meatless Porn


 I'm not really a hobby person, at least not choosing to use that word to describe my activities, except when it comes to....
Wheat Turky

Meat analogues. Years ago... maybe make that 10 years or so.. I started trying to figure out how to make high protein meat substitutes. I searched the internet and cook books, and found a few intrepid souls working on the behalf of both animals, and the people who do not want to harm them, but do crave meaty taste. Here are a couple "roasts" and a slab of Bacun I made for the Holidays. I'm finally at the point I can throw stuff in a bowl, mix it up, pass a magic wand over it, and call it meat(ish). Who wants a turky sandwich with cranberry sauce on it after Thanksgiving? Well me. My husband Craig does not like Turkey, but will eat Turky with a smile.

Det. "Broken Earring"-KS2011
I was not eating meat, but I was painting images of it in my art. Fancy cuts as self portraits. Digging into those luscious reds again. Getting the eyes just right.

"Meat Door" KS2011

"Happy" KS2010
Billy Shire from La Lus de Jesus Gallery in LA referred to me as "The Meat Lady". To my chagrin, some viewers say my Meat paintings make their mouths water. Meat Porn. Yikes! Others say they cant look at meat the same way after seeing my work.
I even made ceramic "Bonz" to tuck into my roasts, bringing the activity closer to Art than Hobby. To be honest, they never ended up in any roasts, just sitting on a windowsill or in the back of a drawer waiting....not quite bridging hobby to Art.
Bonz- KS2010

 Can you make any kind of Porn without hurting somebody? Can you make Porn that truly helps someone? Gobble Gobble. Moo... I hope so!


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