Ocean, Field, Forest and House Party Panoramas

The Callanis Stones, Louis and Harris Island, KS-2016
I was just looking through my iPhone Panoramas from the last 4 years (2014-18), and thought they captured the macro views of some of my inspirational road and field trips, house parties and visits pretty well. Here are a bunch in chronological order. I have put in links where possible, in case you want to go there on an adventure yourself! I didn't take panoramas of everything of course, but some places were just too grand for a little regular photo. These are those. Click on images to see them enlarged for details. Cheers!

Bird Watching Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, Northern California central valley. (note my trusty Suburu!)

Some road in Northern California- perhaps Highway 70 crossing the Feather River?

Busy Kitchen at Short Center North, an arts day program for adults with developmental disabilities in Sacramento, CA.

Demonstrating for Disability program funding at the CA State Capitol.

Spring in the Yolo Bypass -Vic Fazio Wetlands. I live in a city... but this is about 15 minutes from my house. I have great bird and wildlife watching around 5 minutes from my house too in the American River Parkway (Jedediah Smith memorial trail)

1616Artspace Kim Scott one person show.Visiting friends from New Zealand, and Husband Craig Maclaine, my own motorcycle adventure rider. Always up for an Adventure!

"Legend of Big Foot" chainsaw art workshop and sales, Redwoods, Northern California.

Redwoods on the "Avenue of Giants" Northern California. Craig like to photograph as well, see some from his adventures here.

Northern California Coast. With Craig and Mike.

Northern California Coast

Best Birdwatching and coffee, Portola, California. With Ruth and Burnell. Nature loving adventure pals.

Burnell's place, Portola, CA

Sierra Valley, North CA. Great bird watching, raptors, yellow headed Black Birds, Sandhill Cranes....

Cosumnas River Preserve, Franklin Rd, south of Sacramento. Crains, ducks, waterfoul, raptors. Also great kayaking on the Cosumnas and Mokelumne rivers. Trail to put-in near the parking lot.

Suzuki 650's road trip to Gray Lodge. View of rice fields, Sacramento Road, North of Sacramento.

Graylodge wetlands.

Short Center North for the Arts Group party photo, with John S. Berger Artist and Director.

"Leaping Arch", outdoor sculpture by Andy Goldsworthy. Drumlanrig Castle, Queensberry Estate, Scotland. Such a great place to walk around and photograph!

Down by the dock, Tobermory, isle of Mull. My husbands family come from this island way back.

Moy Castle, Isle of Mull. The old homeland of the Maclaines. Debbie and Lisa Maclaine in photo. We went and raised a glass of Tobermory Scotch to them that went before.. including Craigs dad, grandfather and aunt. Craigs grandfather Donald Maclaine worked in India in the 60's and was a mountain climber into his 80's.

Glen Coe, Scottish Highlands. How green the hills and valley? Lots of history here.

One of Gerard's families Crofts on the isle of Louis and Harris, Outer Hebrides. This was a magical place. All formed by an Ice age, and so boggy and green, covered with ponds, rocks and peet in every direction. (and free roaming sheep!) this is the place that locals make Harris Tweed in their homes and studio crofts.

The Kelpis of Falkirk. 30-metre-high horse-head sculptures. Do check out the link, these are no ordinary horses... they are memorials to the extraordinary horses that pulled the boats up the canals from paths along side, you can still walk on them. So strong were they that it is said they were born of mythical beings, the Kelpis with the strength of 10 horses.

Rosslyn Chapel, Roslin, Midlothian, Scottland. "Since the late 1980s, the chapel has been the subject of speculative theories concerning a connection with the Knights Templar and the Holy Grail, and Freemasonry. It was prominently featured in this role in Dan Brown's bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code (2003) and its 2006 film adaptation. Medieval historians say these accounts have no basis in fact." STILL so worth a visit. Beautiful carvings inside, of special interest is the "Green Man"... not to be confused with my THUMB in the photo!

English countryside. View from the path up to the prehistoric "Uffington White Horse" Chalk hill figure. This is the view he sees from his hill.

Wetland Viewing platform, somewhere in the Northern California central valley. (perhaps the NSWR)

Annual "Leo Fest" Yard Party and Concert, Rancho Cordova, Sacramento county, CA That is "Mike Blanchard and the Californios" performing on the stage at right.

On the road somewhere between Arizona and Utah. This whole trip blew my mind! See previous blog for more detail about that.

Must See Dinosaur Museum in Blanding, Utah. While driving through Blanding, we saw a little sign pointing to "Dinosaur Museum", well that was our que to hang a louie and check it out. We first found a hardware store to get a bolt to fix Craigs broken crutch, while there we asked the local boys working the shop about the museum up the street... "Uh. I haven't been there since grade school". We went on to the museum, and ran into the cashier from the hardware... she was the museums owner! It was a fantastic fact and art packed place, a collection by a dinosaur lover, every thing from salt shakers, to movie sets, to fossils, to original art and more! Rooms and rooms of well designed galleries. Sincerely, just get in the car and GO!

Ward Charcoal Ovens. I wanna live here! So Craig and I drove the "Loneliest Road in America", route highway 50 across Nevada, and stopped here to get our "passport" stamped.

The trail leading to the "Swamp" in Le Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Before we got to the Swamp, we heard a noise like a thousand chainsaws (or something! You can hear the sound HERE. Turn it up!) going at once. Turned out to be a magical jungle of chorusing frogs. The "Swamp" was a fairyland after all.

Hawaii on the road south of the Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden and
Hilo. Stopped for a bit of a hike.

Fallon Nevada- Irrigation ditch Bird watching. I know it looks so barren, but it was so full of life in the spring! Trees full of baby birds, and love songs filling the air. See more pics about this trip HERE Here and Here.


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