Ocean, Field, Forest and House Party Panoramas
The Callanis Stones, Louis and Harris Island, KS-2016 I was just looking through my iPhone Panoramas from the last 4 years (2014-18), and thought they captured the macro views of some of my inspirational road and field trips, house parties and visits pretty well. Here are a bunch in chronological order. I have put in links where possible, in case you want to go there on an adventure yourself! I didn't take panoramas of everything of course, but some places were just too grand for a little regular photo. These are those. Click on images to see them enlarged for details. Cheers! Bird Watching Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge , Northern California central valley. (note my trusty Suburu!) Some road in Northern California- perhaps Highway 70 crossing the Feather River? Busy Kitchen at Short Center North, an arts day program for adults with developmental disabilities in Sacramento, CA. Demonstrating for Disability program funding at the CA State C...